We living in age were 50 years ago we send man on the moon, and now we sending robots on Mars, and care more about cosmos than on ourselves on the ground.
Year by year there are new conflicts around world between nations, and someone must always expiate. I talking about people, expecialy children.
On one side we have people who spending ten of thousands of money on luxury food, and on another side people who can`t affort simple meal of rice or potato 3 times per day.
Its not a secret that we throwing 1/3 of world food wich we can use. Thats every year 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted or lost, globally.
Its very funny
but estimated 820 million people did not have enough to eat in 2018, and there are 338 million school-age children and adolescents who are overweight and 672 million obese adults. How is that evan possible?

Who make food waste and why?
Hotels, fastfood chains, Hipermarkets, farmers, this is just some of tham…
Again Why?
5* luxury hotels and evan 4* have complexes or their are very complexe? Everything need to be pearfect. Friut need to be shine like picture, even suny side up egg, YES, do not be surprised, I was working in some of these hotels and its happaning to me also.
They preparing more than people can eat. It is estimated they throwing 1/3 of produced food.
1/3 of food guests eating
its left 2/3 of food, 1/3 wich they can use again in some other events, or for employes and another 1/3 they need to throw away because of hygienic sanitary regulations.
World population data
World population data, year 2017, 2018 ( data from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Unicef, World Food Programme, World Health Organization, International Fund for Agricultural Development )
- World population 2017 – 7.550.262,101 people
- An estimated 821 million people – approximately one out of every nine people in the world – are undernourished
- Over 50 million children under five in the world are affected by wasting
- However, nearly 151 million children under five in the world – or 22 percent – were still stunted in 2017, down from 25 percent in 2012, due mainly to progress in Asia
- Over 38 million children under five are overweight
- Stunting ( children under 5 years) 2017 – 22.2 %
- Wasting ( children under 5 years) 2017- 7.5%
- Overweight ( children under 5 years) 2017 – 5.6%
- Exclusive breastfeeding (< 6 months) 2017 – 40.7%
- Anaemia (women of reproductive age) 2017 – 32.8%
- Obesity (adults) 2017 – 13.2%
World Food Data (FAOSTAT )
World food production year 2017 ( data from Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations )
Here is the world food plant production statistic in 2017
These crops can breed on whole territory earth land surface, or on 2/3 of land territory

World food production year 2017 (These stocks are produced in year 2017,data is from Food And Agriculture Organization of United Nations)

Land used for world food production in 2016 ( data from Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations )

Food safety and sanitary regulation

Hygiene and food sanitary regulation are very poor in developing countries especially in Africa, Asia and South America. Economy is poor and big percent of that population dont have access to feed. Hygiene and food sanitary regulation is on lowes porcent or even do not exsist.
Developing countries are in biger poverty. That’s mean that safety of food and people safety are critical, expecialy children. The food storage conditions are at a very low level and food hazards are increased expecialy in areas where is no close access to the water and citys.

Food hazard can be biological, chemical, and physical.
That’s mean it can be contaminated with bacteria, virus, fungi, toxic, heavy metals, pesticides, and oteher chemical substances that are not adequate in the food industry and which can harm the narrow and wider population, their is also metal, palstic, wood and other physical materials.
Regularly food that can be available all around world it’s not everywhere available. Africa is continent that is in biger poverty.
More and more population some states in Africa eating unusually meals. That are meat from apes, big predators like lions, hyenas..etc.
Already three times was outbreak some of diseases ( Ebola virus ) wich these animal carry.
Except these very risky patogen, there are also some well – knowing bacteria. Thats salmonela, E-Koli, listerya. Under very favorable conditions they multiply and spoiling food, and cousing food poisoning, illneses, evan deaths and thats mean more money or hospital bills, medicadions.
Facts and figures ( Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Health Organization, Sustainable Development Goals )
- An estimated 600 million – almost 1 in 10 people in the world – fall ill after eating contaminated food and 420 000 die every year
- Children under 5 years of age carry 40 percent of the foodborne disease burden, with 125 000 deaths every year
- Foodborne illnesses are usually infectious or toxic in nature and caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances entering the body through contaminated food or water.
- Foodborne diseases impede socioeconomic development by straining health care systems, and harming national economies, tourism and trade
- The value of trade in food is US$ 1.6 trillion, which is approximately 10 percent of total annual trade globally
- Recent estimates indicate that the impact of unsafe food costs low- and middle-income economies around US$ 95 billion in lost productivity each year
- Safe food is critical, not only to better health and food security, but also for livelihoods, economic development, trade and the international reputation of every country
- Climate change is associated with altered geographic occurrence and prevalence of food safety hazards
- Each year, an estimated 700 000 people die around the globe because of antimicrobialresistant infections
- Improving hygiene practices in the food and agricultural sectors helps to reduce the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance along the food chain and in the environment
- Investment in consumer food safety education has the potential to reduce foodborne disease and return savings of up to ten-fold for each dollar invested
Food waste is serious. Today we reduce food waste, we pick apples from ground. This was in Serbia in city of Lazarevac and we reduced food waste. Most of them they were rotten.
This is everywhere in the world, but it’s not always apples, it can be different fruits and vegetables.

We save 3kg of organic apples. Its not too much, but if 100 persons save 3kg of food every day its too much, and just think what hundreds thousands of people can do.
Nemanja Ljubisavljević
Trener i Savetnik za ishranu
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