Fats, influence on human body
We all know that there are good and bad fats. Some say it is good to eat a lot of fat, some say it is not, you need to eat fat but in moderate amounts, as fat is the main cause of heart and blood vessels, LDL is bad, and HDL is good … ets. Here I will explain what are the differences between vegetable oils and animal fats, how fats are good and bad and what they are, and how to consume them.
The diet of predominantly animal origin is always present in this larger earthly population. Thousands of kilometers of forests are shrinking and cutting because of industrial meat production. There are huge farms growing and growing more and more every day.
From 01.01. till 01.09.2017. it is produced
– 197,866,897 tons of live stock
– 39,937,870,532 tons of chicken
– 931,413,154 tons of pork
– 3,227,106 tons of horse meat
– and its shrinked and cutted 862216,98 tons of forest
From beginning of 2017
– 11,933,912 milion people died from cardiovascular diseases
– 5,829,000 milion people died from case of canser
– There is also 1,647,332,700 milion people who are overweight
– and 685,952,463 how are obese in the world
Human body produces cholesterol. Most cholesterol occurs in the liver, and can also occur in the mucous membranes of the intestine and adrenal glands. From there it passes through the bloodstream to the cells of the organism. In blood, cholesterol is transported by binding to proteins by building lipoproteins. Cholesterol is, among other things, necessary for the construction of cell membranes and the production of several basic hormones (such as adrenaline, estrogen and testosterone), as well as in the reconstruction of blood vessels.
When we consume predominantly food of animal origin, as well as foods that are a mixture of sugar and fat, this leads to elevated blood cholesterol. In addition to the fact that our body produces cholesterol that has a good function and is used, cholesterol that is fed through the diet is deposited in our body as fat, as this goes beyond our physiological needs. It falls mainly in the blood vessels, as well as around the abnormal, kidneys and liver. Cholestrol disorder in the body leads to disorders in the work of the thyroid gland, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease. When cholestrol is deposited in the blood vessels (in the coronary arteries located in the heart), the blood supply that keeps the heart is prevented, then congestion can occur that can lead to angina pactoritis, high blood pressure, and heart attack.
– LDL or bad cholesterol is introduced through the diet, and this cholestol is deposited in the heart arteries if it is too much in the blood. It adheres to the blood vessels and thus results in a severe flow of blood and elasticity, which can lead to heart disease, and heart attack. It also settles down in the carotid artery that is located in the neck and which drains blood to the brain, which can lead to stroke and high blood pressure.
– HDL is produced in the liver and it is good cholesterol. Its function is to remove the excess of bad cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels, tissues and cells. HDL contributes to the excess of cholestrol in the liver, which ultimately ejects it.
Trans fat and fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids are bad because they increase LDL and the risk of many diseases. Foods containing high % saturated fatty acids are:
– Palm oil
– Oil from the palm tree
– Dairy products
– Meat of animal origin
– Fast food
– Refined sweet products
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
– They are found in vegetable oils, fish and other foods from the sea. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are of the type of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and they belong to the order of essential fatty acids, because our body can not synthesize them, so we must be take be food.
– Trans fats in the diet increase total cholesterol in blood and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) causes heart and blood vessels diseases, as well as severe chronic diseases – type 1 diabetes and type 2, cancer, allergies and depression.Trans fats are a natural ingredient of foods of animal origin such as meat and dairy, or when they undergo changes in the process of industrial food production and turn into solid form, they become very dangerous. These are so-called industrial fats that are formed by hydrogenation (by adding water) liquid vegetable oils are translated into semi-solid fats in order to prolong the shelf life and improve the texture and taste of the product. All this causes raised LDL cholesterol in the blood.
Monounsaturated, Omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids
– They are found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Monounsaturated fatty acids are good because they provide an organism of antioxidants such as selenium and vitamins E. They prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity.
– Herbal essential oils are very healthy. They do not contain cholesterol and trans fats. They are mostly used in cosmetics, for face and skin care, excellent antioxidants. Some of the oils are also natural tonic (essential oil of the Korean gin-sing), avocado oil is good in the treatment of skin irritation and skin rejuvenation, extra virgin olive oil promotes the nervous system, cannabis oil is very healing and reliable in the treatment of cancer.
– Omega 3 is good because it affects on nervous system. We can not produce them, so we have to take them through food. Kids should take them in larger quantities. They are mostly found in seafood.
– Omega 6 is present in refined products. Omega-6 fatty acid by-products stimulate inflammation, blood clotting, etc., while omega-3 acts the opposite. Omega 6 and omega 3 is recommended in a ratio of 1: 3 to 1: 5.
– Omega 9 is the fat found in plants, i.e. fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts. Improve metabolism and dissemination. They also reduce LDL (bad cholethols), and increase HDL (good cholesterol), and regulate blood sugar. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes and diabetes.
Nemanja Ljubisavljević
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